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Welcome to the Reciprocity Archive.

Its aim is to gather articles and preprints related to the theme of reciprocity, a notion which goes back to Rosenlicht and Serre in the late 1950es has has witnessed a strong development in the last few years.

For this reason, all types of contributions are welcome as long as they are related to the subject: articles already published or posted on arXiv/HAL, and new contributions. Older publications are especially welcome. You may choose to add a pdf file or just put a link, as you wish.
To consult the archive you don’t need to register, but this is necessary to post papers.

This archive is maintained by Bruno Kahn bruno.kahn@imj-prg.fr.

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Last 30 articles

Article number Title Authors
22 Modulus triples Bruno Kahn and Hiroyasu Miyazaki
21 Modulus sheaves with transfers Shane Kelly, Hiroyasu Miyazaki
20 A moving lemma for algebraic cycles with modulus and contravariance Wataru Kai
19 Isomorphism up to bounded torsion between relative K_0-groups and Chow groups with modulus Ryomei Iwasa and Wataru Kai
18 Nori motives of curves with modulus and Laumon 1-motives Florian Ivorra and Takao Yamazaki
17 Mixed Hodge structures with modulus Florian Ivorra and Takao Yamazaki
16 Unramified logarithmic Hodge-Witt cohomology and P1-invariance Wataru Kai, Shusuke Otabe and Takao Yamazaki
15 Motives with modulus, III: the categories of motives Bruno Kahn, Hiroyasu Miyazaki, Shuji Saito and Takao Yamazaki
14 Motives with modulus II: modulus sheaves with transfers for proper modulus pairs Bruno Kahn, Hiroyasu Miyazaki, Shuji Saito and Takao Yamazaki
13 Motives with modulus I: modulus sheaves with transfers for non-proper modulus pairs Bruno Kahn, Hiroyasu Miyazaki, Shuji Saito and Takao Yamazaki
12 Purity of reciprocity sheaves Shuji Saito
11 Topologies on schemes and modulus pairs Bruno Kahn, Hiroyasu Miyazaki
10 Nisnevich topology with modulus Hiroyasu Miyazaki
9 Cube invariance of higher Chow groups with modulus Hiroyasu Miyazaki
8 Suslin's moving lemma with modulus Wataru Kai, Hiroyasu Miyazaki
7 Tensor structures in the theory of modulus presheaves with transfers Kay Rülling, Rin Sugiyama and Takao Yamazaki
6 K-Groups of reciprocity functors for G_a and abelian varieties Kay Rülling and Takao Yamazaki
5 Suslin homology of relative curves with modulus Kay Rülling and Takao Yamazaki
4 Reciprocity sheaves, II Bruno Kahn, Shuji Saito and Takao Yamazaki
3 Reciprocity sheaves Bruno Kahn, Shuji Saito and Takao Yamazaki
2 Voevodsky's motives and Weil reciprocity: correction Bruno Kahn and Takao Yamazaki
1 Voevodsky's motives and Weil reciprocity Bruno Kahn and Takao Yamazaki